About Better Options
Better Options Adult Family Home specializes in caring for ventilator-dependent patients in a homelike setting. Residents receive specialized ventilator care from skilled nursing staff using state-of-the art medical equipment.
It is a long term care facility where patients have their own private room private or semi -private bathroom, they can decorate the walls of the room and can bring own furniture.Low nurse-patient ratio supports close monitoring, visual checks, and the ability to instantly register and report changes in our resident’s condition. Better Options, based in Vancouver, Wash., is the original Adult Family Residential Center providing care for ventilator-dependent patients.
Our residents consistently tell us that they “feel safer and more relaxed” at our facility! They’re confident in the care they receive and more comfortable in a family home than in an institution.
We believe in providing the very best care for our residents, and are dedicated to helping them lead fuller and richer lives. In addition to attentive nursing care, our staff provides companionship, facilitates interactions with other residents and family members, and creates an environment that is full of joy and vitality. Like a family, we celebrate birthdays and holidays throughout the year.
Our caregivers and registered nurses are experts in ventilator care, and provide assistance to each resident based on his or her unique needs and preferences. We have the highest regard for your patient or family member and strive to make his or her life as easy and comfortable as possible.
We invite you to contact us to learn more about our facility.
More Helpful Information

Faia Stevenson (Executive Director)
Faia Stevenson, a registered nurse and a certified ventilator care expert, brings more than 25 years of experience in the medical field.Her work in nursing homes, hospitals and in the long-term care industry inspired her to create something better. She believed patients deserved a better life than the institutions she knew were able to provide. This is why Faia decided to open Better Options in 2001. She passionately endeavors to provide homelike, compassionate care for ventilator dependent-patients, which she felt was missing in larger facilities.
Helpful Links
Vancouver Business Journal – Article
Vancouver Business Journal Business Spotlight focuses on the Better Options Specialty Ventilator Care, providing an overview of the needs of the region and benefits to residents, family members and health care providers.
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